Monday, November 4, 2013

DIY Creepy Family Calenders

This month my goal is to crank out all of my mandatory blogs, because I tend to forget about them when I get busy at work.

This blog is a nice little reminder that I am kind of obsessed with going to Disneyworld (someday I will stop talking about it) and a cute/creepy idea for an upcoming Christmas present if you are on a tight budget.

My family has only ever had one real family photo (and as mentioned in previous blogs no real family vacations), so instead of trying to wrangle everyone into a photo shoot or even a family vacation, I decided to do something much more creepy… both!

So if you are trying to convince your family members to finally go to Disneyworld with you or maybe you just want a calendar with your family photos jazzed up a little bit to help you get through the year take a moment and Photoshop your family in various locations, you can even go back in time!

Okay, I may have stopped after two months on the attempt to Photoshop an entire creepy family calender like this. Please, feel free to out-do me and email me your results!

I just spent a good half-hour perusing the internet to attempt to find the original photo; I am pretty shocked at how easy it was to find these bad boys but not the original… 

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