Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kate's Bad Cat 'Thank You' Cards

I am not a hugely crafty person. 

I used to really like scrap-booking, but I am pretty crap at it. I cannot cut a straight line to save my life. But, in a book I recently read; 'ADULTING: HOW TO BECOME A GROWN-UP IN468 EASY(ISH) STEPS' by Kelly Williams Brown, I learned the importance of 'Thank You' cards. I have sent them out before, but usually on occasions that involved presents. I am now actively trying to be a gracious adult, who sends out 'Thank You' cards. 

When I started this practice I had one problem, I hate buying cards. Cards are SO expensive and people just end up throwing them out anyways. Okay, I don't throw out cards because I love having fragments of the past to remind me of things and people that are now gone (and I have a minor hoarding problem). I guess the moral to this part of the story is that I love people spending money on nice cards for me, but I do not like to spend money on cards. Also, there are some pretty sweet cards for occasions but I think it is quite possible that all of the slackers are posted to the 'Thank You' division in card companies. When shopping for a nice set of 'Thank you' cards all I could find were cards featuring birds or flowers with semi-sentimental messages, not ideal for a 24-year old radio presenter who loves South Park.

Continuing on to the point of this blog post, I now make Cat Cards. In order to save a little money and add a little Kate Bruce flare, I have begun to make my own 'Thank You' cards. I found a box of great generic colored cards, a hilarious book of cats behaving badly (not my first choice but sassy cats are SUPER trendy right now) and combined the two things for a unique take on 'Thank You'. 

Share your unique ways to say 'Thank You' with me!

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