Tuesday, January 28, 2014

UPDATE: The Rock Creek Cat In A Tree

Yesterday our lovely General Manager here at Mountain FM received word that there were cats in distress in Rock Creek. He asked me to let everyone know and call the woman who has let him know about the issues. Wendy from On the Water Campground gave me all the details about a group of cats or kittens that had been stuck up in a tree for days. She had tried to help them herself but had no way to get up the tree and turned to us to get the word out.

Wendy was very upset about the cats and to be honest with you the story weighed on me all day as well. The cats had been without food or water for days up in the tree and Wendy said they were desperately crying for help.

I was so happy to get a call this morning from On the Water Campground with an update on the story and got to speak with the hero of the day himself, Ty. Oh, the power of radio!

Sorry about the ugly paint art, we did not receive a photo of the cat.

Here is our conversation from earlier today:

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