Monday, August 5, 2013

Kate's Pet Peeves: Social Media Whiners

I hate reading people whine on social media.

It is one of my pet peeves. It seems like people no longer understand how to cope with basic problems in daily life. It is like the new ‘go-to’ response to things is to complain about things online. The only thing worse than the initial complaint or rant about an issue is how offended people get by their ‘followers’ or friends respond unfavorably.

I love using social media, my friends and family are spread across Canada and it is the perfect way to keep in touch on a daily basis. But, do I care that they are angry that people are criticizing their choice to switch their baby’s formula to whatever they can get on sale that week (yes, that is a very specific and real example)? Nope, not even enough to comment about it (except in this rant-like blog).

I really hope schools start teaching children how to use the web properly, because all of us growing up with it kind of suck at it. Okay, that’s not true; all of us radio hosts are Internet-gurus who do not complain and can find you the most adorable animals online.

I am just kidding, kind of. I really do find web-whiners annoying, but recently I have benefitted from a little strategic Twitter complaining. While I do not condone bitching about the onions on your Big Mac, when you are having a problem witch a large corporation and a lot of your money is on the line (to me a lot of money is over $100), than go for it… but only once (per issue).

I have complained via Twitter twice, both times I have received timely appropriate responses on large-scale problems. Why? Because some companies do have people on staff waiting to search you out and ensure that you are one happy customer. And, I used firm language and did not abuse my right to voice my concerns.

My first complaint came nine months ago after a major electronics company lost my iPad they had been repairing (under insurance) two months after they told me it was repaired. My second complaint was last week (August 2013) after waiting nearly a month to hear back from my car insurance company after an accident. In both cases, both companies responded to my indirect tweets (I did not @ message them) within minutes and the situations began to be worked out in a timely manor. Had I have not sent out my tweets than I would have continued to be on their backburners, which would have continued to waste my time and money.

Both of my issues were worked out in amazing fashion once I used a gentle but firm tweet to get my problem out in the Twitterverse. Before I tweeted, people recommended the good-ole angry phone call, but I honestly hate phone calls and I am too busy to sit on hold for an hour. A little firm input online will usually result in a message or email that will get a polite phone call at your earliest convenience (no waits, less angst). Everybody wins!

I have problems all the time, being minorly addicted to fast food I had two imperfect orders at two fast food restaurants within 10 minutes last week (UUUURRRRGGGG!!!!). Like everyone else I am human and wanted to tell the world by picketing outside both restaurants with a sign explaining my slight. But, I only have a half-hour for lunch and need a job to pay off my student loans. Every time I fight the urge to open up my Twitter app and complain, why don’t I? Because I value my followers and would hate from them to think I do not value my place on their news feed. Seriously, 30 cents worth of onions is not as valuable to me as those people’s interactions on a semi-regular basis.

I guess my message in this rant of a blog is that social media is not a time machine that can take you back in time to fix an imperfect situation when you press the post button. Unless you think some specific individuals out there can make the situation better and you don’t mind potentially losing followers because of the post, than keep your complaints to yourself. Especially the age-old complaint, “I’m SOOOOOOO tired”. Being tired is part of being an average adult, have a coffee (like the rest of us) and get over it.  

Okay, maybe I have complained over a smaller issue too… I did once tweet to KFC Canada asking when the Zinger Double-Down would be back; it was August 2012 and as of Spring 2013 the Zinger Double-Down is back in KFC Canada restaurants. Triple-win Kate.

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