Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Things I Am Just To Lazy To Accomplish

My boyfriend has been away for nearly a week now and I started my adventure in living in the Kootenays alone strong.

I packed my lunches. I made supper. I did the dishes after eating. I even continued washing my hair regularly and did not sport pony tails.

All that impressive up keep has now vanished. I have a growing pile of dishes. I ate $2.00 worth of penny candies as part of my lunch today. And, I powdered my greasy hair this morning.

My life has turned into a BuzzFeed article once again. This time it is titled, ’24 Basic Life Activities You’re Too Lazy To Accomplish”.

Key points on this list (for me anyways) are:

6. Even calling somewhere to get food delivered. I’ve had breakfast for 9/10 meals since the BF left.

9. Walking the two extra blocks to your bank instead of paying a grey box $3. This is a problem regardless of the boyfriend situation.

13. Going grocery shopping at an actual grocery store.
I live way too close to a 7-11… okay; I live even closer to Ferraro Foods.

17. Or even doing laundry at all, when you can just buy a new pack of underwear. If only we had a Victoria Secret in these parts I would be so guilty of this one…

23. Fully spelling words. I am a lazy texter, consider yourself lucky that I get past, “Hello”.

But, this one is the one I am most guilty of:

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