Over the past few months this blog has shifted from being a
place for me to showcase my on-air work in radio and musings from my daily life
to a place for me to post my thoughts whenever I can. Many of my previous posts
that were work related celebrated work that I had done, a lesson learned as
part of my job, cool things that I got to do as part of my awesome job or rants
that started as a short 45 second radio break.
I’m going to try to continue posting here about the things
that impact my life. I don’t think I’ll be blogging about the jerks at table 61
who did not tip, but I will be blogging about things I learn or find challenging
about my new career path in marketing. I’ll continue to post my random workout
thoughts, because I believe being health conscious is a very important part of my
life and when things are working out (no pun intended) in that area of my life
everything else falls into place.
Even though this is no longer a blog that focuses on my life
as a “radio personality” today’s blog is featuring a little piece of work that
I did for radio for my marketing job. I am the Marketing Coordinator of Valley
Credit Union here in the Annapolis Valley and one of my tasks for our
RRSP/Investment Season Campaign was to write and voice our radio ad. This took
our radio advertising in a new direction that people around the office really seem
to enjoy. It challenged me because my wisdom teeth are slowly breaking through
my gums and I had not realized that I was having trouble annunciating until I
heard my first run through. Yikes, it was bad!
Writing and voicing this ad really forced me to get out of
my radio comfort zone and experience advertising from the other side of the
I have been thinking a lot about retirement these days (I guess it comes with the job) and I have
decided what I would like to do about 30 years from now. I think I would make a fabulous "Fairy Godmother". I would love to cruise around Disney Parks hanging out with kids, adults and super fans. I think it could quite possibly be the best job to do during retirement.
Are you going to cut loose from the work world when you retire or are you already planning to have a side job? I'm so worried that I will be bored with all the free time that comes with retirement and I have a fear of being old and cold so I think that being "Fairy Godmother" is the perfect fit!

decided what I would like to do about 30 years from now. I think I would make a fabulous "Fairy Godmother". I would love to cruise around Disney Parks hanging out with kids, adults and super fans. I think it could quite possibly be the best job to do during retirement.
Are you going to cut loose from the work world when you retire or are you already planning to have a side job? I'm so worried that I will be bored with all the free time that comes with retirement and I have a fear of being old and cold so I think that being "Fairy Godmother" is the perfect fit!
Here is the ad, I hope you like it!