Just a little update about a blog I posted earlier this
week, come to think of it I may have posted it on the weekend. Reddit has
surpassed its goal of having 65,000 people take part in this year’s Secret
Santa. I can say I am proudly part of a group of nearly 71,000 people taking
part this year! That’s 108% (and counting) of the people needed to meet the
Christmas is creeping closer everyday and I have started to get just a little anxious about waking up December 25th alone for the first time. My boyfriend will be home in Calgary, my family is back in Nova Scotia and I have to work on Boxing Day. I’m not complaining, I am fully embracing my first Christmas working in radio and I have been prepared to work the entire Holiday Season since I joined the Mountain FM team and moved to British Columbia.
With that being said, I have been working on little bribe for myself. Making a wish list of presents I can buy and wrap for myself (lets be honest, this won’t happen), thinking of skyping in and unwrapping presents with my family in Nova Scotia (this is equally unlikely because of the four hour time difference and that I am the worst at Christmas surprises). I have also promised myself as much Chinese food (one of my favourite things) as I can handle on Christmas day, a new lonely Kate tradition.
Today I added a plan for the day; I joined Reddit’s Holiday
Secret Santa. I am really excited about this, I love Secret Santa but I always
end up having to organize it and it never goes as planned. On top of being a
Secret Santa to a stranger (and hopefully making their Holidays a little
better) I will be receiving a gift and potentially be part of the World’s
biggest Secret Santa world record. I would love to get that certificate in the
mail, so you should join the efforts too! Check out to get involved, it is not too late and Reddit is getting pretty close to the target of 65,000 participants (as you can see below)!
For more info on Reddit's Secret Santa click here.
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