I was about thirteen my family’s TV experience was locked down to three
channels, four on a good night. You best believe that includes Radio-Canada… so
three English channels. Atlantic Canadian children all know the pain of picking
between the five o’clock magazine news programs like Live At 5 or doing literally anything else.
AsI have detailed in previous blogs, I used to stay overnight at my Grandparent’shouse whenever my Grandfather was away to watch TGIF Friday’s on ABC and theamazing eras of Fox Sunday night animation. I was a huge TV nerd then and I
still am now. But, with Kevin escaping to Basic Military Training this summer
having cable is just going to be wasted at my apartment. It is way too
expensive for one person, cutting it out of my services with Shaw saves me half
of my monthly bill!
am starting to feel like quite the little hipster. I haven’t had a cell phonefor over a month and now I have cut my cable… I also have become obsessed with
houseplants. Yes, things are getting weird for Kate in the Kootenays.
be honest with you there is not much I am going to miss on TV. There are few
things I can’t watch now on my iPad or stream. We have fournd ourselves
watching more Netflix than ever via the Xbox and there never seems to be
anything truly worth watching on basic cable.
am so over reality show competitions. I listen to the best music ever made all
day at work, nothing really compares to the legends. People here in the Koots
are less interested in television programming than anyone else in the country,
rarely is any of it worth mentioning in my show.
guess it all comes down to a lull in good programming on basic cable. Apart
from the News there is nothing on cable that I can’t get on another device. I
quite like listening to the News on the radio while I do yoga too… so I guess I
am not really missing anything!
not sure how long this will last. As much as I say there is a ton of crap on TV
not worth paying for, I totally still allow it to clutter up the quiet in my
apartment. Yes, I watch a lot of crappy TV; I hope this will end my horrible
habit of watching anything and everything.
Do you still have cable? Do you think you will ever get rid of it? Or, are you finding anything different without cable?
sure will miss Fallon though…
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