Thursday, September 5, 2013

#GETINMYBelly: McDonald's Is Launching Mighty Wings

McDonald’s (American McDonalds) will be releasing a new menu item in four days. If you are going to the States pick me up at least a dozen of McDonald’s new chicken wings. I am pretty excited about this, my first marketing/promotions job was at McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada and my first real-world growing up job was at Greenwood McDonald’s (in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley) back when I was 16.

I never thought I would be one of those kids hauling-butt working for the man, I fully intended on living summers of privilege relaxing by the pool driving my friends around, working casually at my parent’s businesses. That was the plan until I smashed up my moms mini-van learning to park (I’m not the world’s best driver by the way). I was forced to spend my entire summer leading into Grade 12 working at our local McDonald’s, please note I am from a very small town so working at McDonald’s still meant a 30 minute drive each way to work.

Anyways, this has resulted in a lifelong fascination and fierce loyalty to McDonald’s. My boyfriend’s parents make fun of me because whenever we travel I have to test the waters at the local McDonald’s on our vacation. By test the waters I totally mean eat a bunch of greasy food and call my former bosses and tell them about the wonderful things America has that we will someday inherit.

Some of these things are:
-20 chicken nuggets for $5 (more than enough to share as a snack, perfect if you are dining late at night and need something to tide you over until a fancy-smancy supper)

-Chicken McBites (we had these bad boys in Canada for a short time, America had them much longer than we did and they even had spicy McBites)

-Frozen Lemonades (need I say more?)

-Coke FreeStyle Drink Machines (These guys are truly magical, hundreds of soft-drinks at your finger tips. I’m not even sure some of these pop flavours exist in the real world. My entire trip to New York was spent marveling and talking about how fascinating these next-generation machines are, I think I spent more time looking at the Coke FreeStyle fountain pop dispenser than any exhibit at the Museum of Natural History).

And now chicken wings will be added to America’s favourite menu, I am thrilled. I think that is one area McDonald’s is lacking, an appetizer menu. Sides are super trendy these days, developing options was one thing McDonald’s excelled at during the advent of the fast-food side-salad. With other fast-food restaurants taking the lead on this I think we will have to wait and see McDonald’s come up with a true game changer because they are innovators in the field and offering up the same sweet potato fries every other chain has would be kind of boring (I would totally still be ordering them, they are delicious).

Chicken wings will do for now, with the release of these new menu options I may just have to take a trip south of the boarder a little sooner than originally planned. McDonald’s Chicken Wings will hit stores next week on September 9th.

Mc#MightyWings, they are going to be epic. 

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