If you are
crazy about running you may want to stop reading this blog right here.
If you are
super excited to get a run in just to update the world on Facebook or Twitter about
your commitment to fitness, you definitely want to stop reading this blog right

This is half
a new revelation, half an old embarrassing admission I have been harboring for
a while. Not so long ago I was in a phase where I thought life would not
complete until I crossed running at least a half marathon off my bucket list, I
even wrote a blog about it (if you want you can search it out). But, as I turn
nearly twenty-four and a half I am completely fine with my lack of ambition to
pant in public while looking as unattractive as possible. I have even lost a
little luster to chase after people who have the rubber toy I want in this very
docile stage of life I am in. Life used to be a battle of chase or be chased, score
and stop them from scoring; but right
now I am content to just being warm and not overly hungry (because let’s face
it, I am always a little hungry)*.
Now, if you
nay-sayers are still reading 1. I told you to stop and 2. I get your to each
their own nonsense. I have no problem with people who love running. It is some
people’s hockey or soccer or rugby. It is your jam and enjoy it, I doubt any of
you will stop your pass time just because of this little ole blog and I would
hate to contribute to our general lack of fitness as adults.
Anyways, in
conclusion the point I have been scrambling to make here is that I really don’t
care if you can run 5k. Like every human being who hasn't run a marathon (or
maybe even the ones who have) I will be astonished and marvel at your
athleticism if you run anything over 10k, because that will just never happen
for me.
I am now
going to eat some candy and complete my soft, sloth mood today.
this back I am realizing I have turned pretty soft, even though I have never
been thinner or happier (ever).
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