Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Depicted By Aaron Carter- I Want Candy

I have a slight addiction to candy. Yes, I want candy (right now as I am typing this I am fighting the urge to go buy some candy across the street).

Not just any candy, penny candy. It is something I have been obsessed with over my entire life and now that I work across the street from a convenience store and live on the back end of a 7/11 it is in my daily diet. I like to make my 50 cents go far in the candy world. Only sour soothers, a couple sour worms and maybe one or two blue live wires; I am pretty picky.

This is a huge problem, because apart from my daily candy cheat I do not eat sugar or wheat products so it puts me on a high and then into a really bad low (hence the Aaron Carter analogy below).

And, everyone makes fun of my problem. It does not help that I am one of those people who does not leave the building at all during the work day, if you see me going out that front door before quitting time it is solely in efforts to feed my penny candy addiction.

I know I am using the word ‘addiction’ pretty lightly and in good fun. I am an average sized woman who has a historical weakness for candy. I am not reality TV addicted, so the glass is half full.

Also, as a kid I had a mega-crush on Aaron Carter... I’m pretty happy I missed the boat on that one.

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