One of my goals I set
for myself on my twenty-fourth birthday was reading a book a week. I am a
little behind, moving twice and finishing school put a damper on my plan. To
help motivate myself to finish books on time every week my new plan is to share
my latest read with you on my blog. I will read anything and everything and I
would love your suggestions, feel free to email them to me at
Book 3: ‘Salt Sugar Fat: How
the Food Giants Hooked Us’ by Michael Moss.

With that being said, I would encourage people to read this book
if they really struggle understanding what foods to buy when they go into the
grocery store. Parts of the book talk about meetings between the heads of large
companies, discussing strategy to get us commoners to eat their food. I now
picture mafia style meetings whenever I see there logos. Personally,
I think some of these companies are no better than drug dealers trying to get
people to eat to things that are designed to be addictive even though they are
horrible for our bodies.
I really liked that this book is easy to read, it is not overly
complicated. There were a few bits that went over my head, but I quickly worked
them out. I think this is one of the best books about food that I have ever read;
I rarely get through entire books about food because they can be so complex and
overly complicated.
If you are concerned with the foods you are eating, give this book
a read. I unconsciously apply the lessons I have learned from it every
time I buy groceries.
'Wheat Belly' is another good book that is very down to earth in
its discussion of contemporary food and health. 'Salt Sugar Fat: How the
Food Giants Hooked Us' is a little more legitimate (I think), though I
completely agree with Wheat Belly I had a problem with the amount
of anecdotal evidence used in the book. 'Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food
Giants Hooked Us' makes a better case by using historical data and evidence
backed over time, rather than just telling stories about specific dietary
cases. Read both though, they are both great reads!
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